Will: “Wow, its awfully dark in here.”
Announcer: “Sorry, forgot to install lights.”
Will: “Will it be like this all season?”
Announcer: “Nope, we’ll install them as soon as you leave.”
Will: “So I’m the only one with a dark DR session? Makes me special. Anyway, I cannot believe how terrible some people did on that last challenge. Englebert spelled a two letter word- ‘un’. I mean, I get that that might be sort of clever, but is it even a real world? And then some people, like Bella and Amelia, didn't get any vowels at all. I didn't like the challenge very much, because it was so chance-based. There wasn't a whole lot we could do to control it. Although, I am proud of my word, ‘wax’. It used up two of our hardest letters that would have been hard to use otherwise. I think I did pretty darn good, if I can say so myself!”
Announcer: "I see you all have found the Diary Room!"
Amelia: "Oh, yes indeed! Will woke up early this morning and discovered it."
Announcer: "There seems to be a line to get in!"
Madison: "Yeah, Rob went in before me. He's taking forever. So frustrating!"
Announcer: "I'll bet."
Bella: "Madison, let me in the DR next!"
Madison: "Bella, I'm sorry but..."
Bella: "No buts! You should be willing to let your own alliance member in before you. If you can't rise above your pride, well, I suppose I might just have to make sure you are the first executed!"
Madison: "Yeah, good luck with that! You know what, I don't want to be in a coalition with you anymore!"
Bella: "Grrrrr!"
Madison: "I'm sorry, was I too mean? I still want to be in a coalition, and you can go in next, Bella."
Bella: "See, that wasn't too hard, was it?"
Will: "So, who do you think is the Mole?"
Rob: "Uh, I dunno. I mean, it could be anyone. One challenge wasn't really enough to... Who do you suspect?"
Will: "I sort of think it could be Amelia. Or maybe Ludwig. Or even someone less obvious, like Madison or Taylor or maybe Englebert or..."
Rob: "Woah, man! You, uh, really aren't helping me out."
Englebert: "Isn't this painting here simply dashing?"
Amelia: "Hmm. It's very..abstract."
Englebert: "I don't seem to remember asking you for your opinion, miss!"
Englebert: "I have been painting quite a lot lately. I have this fing for painting. It's like...this is me and this is painting. *claps hands loudly* Well, me and painting don't collide quite that loudly, but you get the gist. Of course, not everyone seems to think my painting is all that I know it is but that's...what's that? Who do I fink the Mole is? Well, that's an easy one... I haven't the faintest idea. Really, its just too early to tell, so I'll keep winging them quiz-things and doing my best on the challenges to try and figure out! Although, when I said I hadn't the faintest idea. Well, I have a faint idea, that is, a few suspects, but really who can tell for sure at this point?"
Taylor: "Drat! I burned these waffles! I guess I'm just leave them on the ground here..."
Announcer: "Everyone, please report to the Judgment Room!"
Everyone: "Wait, what?!?"
Announcer: "It's time for your first Execution!"
Ludwig: "But sir, it simply can't be our first Execution! We haven't even taken the Mole Quiz yet, and well all just woke up!"
Announcer: "I know. It isn't I was just lying!"
Bella: "Really?!? I was getting all worked up."
Announcer: "The real Execution will be tonight. The real reason you are here is to receive your journals, where you can take notes and record information in order to perform better on the Quizes. You may write down your thoughts, and do anything you want with you journals. They are the only paper you are given, so use them well."
Announcer: Behind the television you will find 8 Journals. Each of you is to take one. Do whatever you want with them."
Taylor: "Oh, awesome!"
Englebert: "Thank goodness this wasn't one of them Execution fings!"
Amelia: "You nearly gave me a heart attack!"
Madison: "So, who do you guys think the Mole is?"
Bella: "It's probably Englebert. He seems like a Mole to me. So obvious nobody would notice him."
Madison: "Yeah, and Englebert made a really short word during the challenge!"
Taylor: "I dunno. Could it be Ludwig? He seems likely too."
Madison: "Yeah, Ludwig's possible. Not to mention Amelia."
Bella: "Oh, yeah! Amelia! She did just as bad as me at the challenge."
Taylor: "Ludwig did really well, though."
Madison: "His word was obvious. He couldn't not make it with the letters that he got. "
Madison: “So, today I was hanging in the hot tub with my alliance (that’s me, Taylor, and Bella) and we decided to have a little talk about who we thought the Mole was. We seem to be stuck between three people: Amelia, Ludwig, and Englebert. Of the three, Amelia seems really likely to me at the present time, although I can’t be sure. Ludwig made a really long word on the first challenge, but then again, if I were the Mole, I would do well on the first challenge to throw people off too. I don’t know, I don’t want to accuse anyone of being the Mole!”
Will: "Do you think that you are getting a clearer idea of who the Mole is as the day progresses!"
Rob: "Uh, no! Things just keep getting even more confusing! Everything everyone does seems suspicious. I'm going to have to wing it on the challenge tonight."
Will: "Just pick someone. Anyone. You have a 1 in 7 shot of guessing right."
Rob: "I'll try to pick some for all of my suspects."
Will: "Alright, but be careful. I think I'm voting Amelia, if you want to tag along with me."
Rob: "I'll think about it..."
Amelia: "What are you thinking?"
Ludwig: "I'm thinking that this painting is atrocious!"
Amelia: " I meant about the Mole!"
Ludwig: "Oh, that. I'm going to do it completely randomly!"
Amelia: "What? That's a terrible idea!"
Ludwig: "I don't think I'm going anywhere. I'm sure some idiot will do worse than me."
Amelia: "I'm sorry, but that makes you seem a little Mole-ish!"
Bella: "Hey, Mr. Mole!"
Englebert: "Sorry, to burst your bubble, but I ain't a Mole!"
Bella: "Exactly what an idiotic little Mole would say, you molin', moley, mole-filled Mole!"
Englebert: "Excuse me! To be perfectly honest, Ms. Mole, I think you are the molin' Mole!"
Bella: "Ha! You think I'm the Mole! Well, enjoy being Executed! Oh wait, you won't be, because you are the Mole!"
Englebert: "I've told you! I'm not a Mole, and you have nothing but lies in your molin' mole-mouth!"
Bella: "I am so over you! I guess we'll see whose the Mole when the Quiz comes around!"
Englebert: "When we're both not eliminated, we'll both see that the other is the Mole!"
Bella: "I am ready to see you eliminated, Mole! I can't believe I'm stuck here with you, since the Mole isn't going anywhere."
Madison: "Who do you really think is the Mole, now that Bella's left?"
Taylor: "You think its Bella?"
Madison: "You never know..."
Taylor: "I don't think so. I'm split between Ludwig and Amelia right now."
Taylor: “If Ludwig doesn't get voted off he very well could be the mole. I mean, it could be someone else but Ludwig is the most suspicious. Also for some reason he didn't want me in his alliance. Maybe he thinks I’m to smart for him. Anyway, if it’s not him it might be Amelia . I saw her talking to the announcer saying “What? How did you know?” when he suggested that she might be the Mole. Well I’ll find out if one of them gets eliminated.”
Will: "Hey, I haven't really spoken to you yet. Who do you think the Mole is? Amelia?"
Englebert: "Not Amelia, Bella. It's Bella."
Will: "Thought it was Amelia. But both Amelia and Bella did pretty poorly on the Quiz."
Englebert: "Trust me, if you want to stay, vote Bella."
Will: "Why are you telling me this? Trying to get me eliminated."
Englebert: "No, if you want the truth, I want Taylor and Madison gone. They are Bella's little sidekicks."
Will: "I'll think about it."
Englebert: "Do you ever get the feeling that you are being watched?"
Will: "Duh, we're on a television show."
Ludwig: "Amelia, I simply cannot comprehend that you are starting to think that I'm the Mole!"
Amelia: "Well, if you aren't the Mole, you should start paying attention! You are the only one who scarcely wrote a thing in their journal, and you refuse to listen to reason and pay better attention."
Amelia: "I don't think you're the Mole, Ludwig. But I don't want to see you eliminated, and so I'm trying to convince myself you are..."
Ludwig: “Amelia seems terribly concerned that I’m going to be guessing my way through the Quiz. She shouldn’t be. I’m a Smosterbeard, and Smosterbeards are excellent guessers. She has nothing to worry about. I’m going to stay for another week. I can just tell. You may say I’m egotistical, but I am quite sure that I can win this whole thing without ever even knowing who the Mole is!”
Rob: "Hey, honey. You are looking adorable this evening. Want to form a coalition?"
Will: "Oh, there's Rob, I need to ask me a few--wait what is he doing with Taylor!"
Taylor: "A coalition? I don't know, I sort of already..."
Will: "A coalition? With someone else? That traitor!"
Rob: "Oh, hey Will!"
Will: "You lousy, good-for-nothing little..."
Taylor: "Um, I think I'll be going..."
Rob: "No wait , Taylor! Come back!"
Will: "Go, Taylor. This vampire needs to teach Rob here a lesson!"
Taylor and Rob: "*gasp* You're a v-vampire!"
Will: "Oh, like its that hard to figure out!"
Taylor: "Hey, guys! Rob and Will are fighting on the front porch. I wanted to check in and make sure that we are on the same page."
Ludwig: "Why? You aren't in a coalition with us."
Taylor: "No, but I just wondered who your Mole suspects are. Everyone seems to think its one of you, so I was just wondering."
Amelia: "Ludwig here is going to fail. He's just doing his Quiz at random! And if you really want to know *whispers* I think its Madison!"
Taylor: "Why Madison?"
Amelia: "She just seems suspicious to me. Too normal. She is probably the most normal person in this house. I know you two are in an alliance, but I'd watch out if I were you."
Taylor: "Okay, thanks for letting me know."
Amelia: “I am pretty confident that Madison is the Mole. When you think about it, Madison is one of the least suspicious people here, which makes me suspicious of her. I’m voting all Madison on tonight’s Quiz, because Madison is exactly the sort of person the producers of this show would choose to be the Mole, plus she used up two vowels in the challenge. I think I’m alone in my suspicions, but if I’m right, that means that I have a clear path to winning it all!”
Rob: "Hey, who are you guys thinking is the Mole?"
Ludwig: "Amelia thinks its Madison, I think Taylor suspects Englebert, and I'm doing the Quiz at random."
Rob: "I'm thinking of doing it randomly, too. I'm so confused."
Amelia: "Neither of you do it randomly! You are going to be Executed!"
Rob: "So should I vote Madison or Englebert?"
Amelia: "Shh, keep your voice down! Madison is in the next room over!"
Ludwig: "I am utterly certain that I will stick around, even if I answer everything on the Quiz randomly."
Rob: "What could, uh, make you so sure?"
Rob: "What I mean is, uh, you do know how risky of a plan that is right?"
Ludwig: "Honestly, Rob, I am a Smosterbeard. I have nothing to worry about."
Rob: “Ludwig has some crazy guessing strategy. I can’t seem to pinpoint this slippery Mole, so I’m thinking about giving it a try too. But if I wind up going home, I’ll be so upset at Ludwig for tricking me into guessing on the Quiz! Really, though, I have second thoughts about every one of my suspects (which is everyone). I’ll either need to buckle down and just pick who I’m voting for or I’ll do like the Smosterbeards do and guess completely randomly. Or guess ‘C’ every time. ‘C’s always right, right?”
Bella: "Hey, Will, who do you think it is?"
Will: "I keep changing my mind, and people keep asking me."
Bella: "It's Englebert. Vote Englebert Humperdink."
Will: "I'll definitely think about it."
Englebert: "Mady, are you going about thinking I'm the Mole?"
Madison: "Sort of. Yeah, sorry."
Englebert: "That's alright, but I ain't no Mole."
Madison: "Well, a Mole would say just that, but okay. I'll think about the possibility of it not being you."
Englebert: "Don't say I didn't try to warn you."
Bella: “For a while I’ve been thinking that Englebert was the Mole but now I’m having second thoughts, I mean Ludwig, and Amelia seems kind of suspicious too. I’m still leaning toward Englebert but I’ll have to talk about it with my alliance. I’m probably going to split the vote because it’s hard to tell from only one challenge. I think this quiz is going to be mostly guess work. Hopefully I can make it past elimination. If not then Englebert, I will still be satisfied because I will have proved you wrong so, it’s a win, win!”
Announcer: "Alright, everyone, I hope you got some last minute strategizing in! Report downstairs immediately!"
Ludwig: "Here it comes: our first Mole Quiz."
Amelia: "Ludwig, good luck. You'll need it."
Announcer: "It's time for the Quiz."
"10 questions about the identity of the Mole."
"The player who scores the lowest on the Quiz will be executed...
"...and must leave the game immediately."
"In the event of a tie..."
"...the player who completed their Quiz the slowest will be executed."
"Are the rules of the Quiz understood?"
Everyone: "Yes."
Announcer: "Great, then let's begin!"
Question #1. Is the Mole male or female?
A. Male
B. Female
Question #2. What color van did the Mole ride in?
A. Blue
B. Orange
Question #3. Did the Mole ride in the front seat or the back seat?
A. Front
B. Back
Question 4: When the contestants introduced themselves to the other contestants, in what order did the Mole go? (NOTE: I’m talking about when the contestants introduced themselves to the other contestants, not when the announcer introduced them.)
A. 1st
B. 2nd
C. 3rd
D. 4th
E. 5th
F. 6th
G. 7th
H. 8th
Question 5. During the Jam Session, what instrument did the Mole play?
A. Piano
B. Upright bass
C. Drums
D. The Mole wasn't involved in the jam session.
Question 6. In the challenge “I Alpha-Bet You Can’t Spell a Word”, was the Mole able to spell a word?
A. Yes.
B. No.
Question 7. In the challenge “I Alpha-Bet You Can’t Spell a Word”, in what order did the Mole go?
A. 1st
B. 2nd
C. 3rd
D. 4th
E. 5th
F. 6th
G. 7th
H. 8th
Question 8. In the challenge “I Alpha-Bet You Can’t Spell a Word”, did the Mole take more than one vowel?
A. Yes.
B. No, the mole only took one vowel.
C. No, the mole didn't find any vowels.
Question 9: In the challenge “I Alpha-Bet You Can’t Spell a Word”, did the Mole find and/or take the xylophone, zenyetta, or quilt?
A. Yes.
B. No.
Question 10. Who is…the Mole?
A. Bella Anderson
B. Taylor Bam
C. Amelia Grant
D. Englebert Humperdink
E. Rob Lopp
F. Will Miller
G. Ludwig Smosterbeard
H. Madison Winter
Announcer: "Alright, contestants, it is now time for your first Execution. Put on your formal wear and head up to the Judgement Room."
Announcer: "Please be seated
Announcer: "Everyone, welcome to your first Execution. Are you nervous?"
Everyone: "Um, yes!"
Announcer: "Oh course you are. No one wants to be the first to go. But, unfortunately, one of you has to be."
Announcer: "Please turn your attention towards the screen in front of you. If it turns green, you are here for two more days. If it turns red, then you have been Executed, and must leave immediately. Is that understood? Good, okay. Let's begin. Madison, you are first. Are you ready to see if you made it?"
Madison: "I sure am. Oo, I'm so nervous."
Madison: "Thank goodness."
Announcer: Bella, you are next."
Bella: "Thank God. I would have throttled someone if I had been Executed."
Announcer: "Taylor, you are next."
Taylor: "It's going to be me, I just know it."
Taylor: "I'm safe?!? Shocker..."
Announcer: "Ludwig, here are your results."
Ludwig: "Time to see if my strategy worked.".
Ludwig: "Told you lot I'd be safe."
Announcer: "Rob, are you ready?"
Rob: "As ready as I'll ever be. Let's get this over with."
Rob: "Oh, drat."
Announcer: "Rob, I'm sorry to say that you have been executed."
Announcer: "Rob, its time to go. Please pack your things and head to the front door."
Announcer: "So, Rob, how does it feel being the first one to go?
Rob: "To be honest, it really sucks. I thought I'd make it farther, but oh well."
Announcer: "Where do you think you went wrong?"
Rob: "I was completely divided on the Quiz. I had no idea who the Mole was, and I split up my answers way too much. If there's one thing I'd change about this whole thing, I'd have made myself more decisive. My inability to choose a Mole is what got me."
Announcer: "Well, I'm sorry to say that you are the only contestant to leave the house before I enter it, so you won't even have a chance to see me until finale night."
Rob: "Oh, yeah. I had completely forgotten about that. Are you some sort of celebrity or something?"
Announcer: "Don't you recognize my voice?"
Rob: "Um..."
Announcer: "Well, I look forward to meeting you, and being able to introduce myself properly. And now its time for you to go."
Rob: "Alright. Goodbye house! It's been fun!"
Announcer: "There is a cab parked outside for you."
Rob: "Is it prepared to drive me to Switzerland?"
Announcer: "Haha, I guess you'll find out."
Announcer: "Goodbye, Rob."
Rob: "Goodbye. I'll see you on finale night!"
Cab Woman: "Where to?"
Rob: "Zurich, please."
Cab Woman: "Switzerland?!?"
Rob: "Yeah, sorry about that."
Cab Woman: "Well, make yourself comfortable. This will be a long ride."
Announcer: "And then there were 7!"
Taylor: "Woohoo!"
Ludwig: "We made it, chaps!"
Announcer: "In the back of this room you will notice 8 floor lamps. I'm turning one off now in Rob's memory. Are there any goodbye messages for Rob?"
Amelia: "Rob, I'm sorry you had to go like this. I didn't know you very well, but you seemed like a wonderful guy. I am proud to have met you for this short time."
Englebert: "Well, bye lad. It's been right nice getting to know you. You are a very decent young man, and good luck at life!"
Bella: "Well, this blows. That is not who I wanted to go home at all! There are so many people in this house who I hated more than him! Plus, Rob was very indecisive, so he was going to be easy to beat, and no one thought that he was the Mole. His elimination doesn't help me at all! I didn't suspect him of being the Mole!"
Will: "Rob, I'm sorry you had to go like this, and I'm sorry that we never made up for the fight that we had today. I don't hate you, and you aren't a traitor. You were my friend, roommate, and I think that talking to you helped me make up my mind on who the Mole was, and the fact that I'm still here make me confident that I was right, even if it made you even more unsure. I really like you, buddy. Thanks for being on this show."
Announcer: "And with that, all that remains of Rob, the Mole's first victim, is an empty chair...
"...and an still-unmade bed which we will soon haul away. Goodnight, contestants. And I look forward to meeting all of you face-to-face in the morning!"
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