Taylor: "Good morning, Ludwig. May I sit with you?"
Ludwig: "Alright, you may sit. What are you doing up so early?"
Taylor: "Just a lot on my mind, I guess. I mean, someone is going to be eliminated tonight! Rob was eliminated already. This is all going by so fast!"
Ludwig: "Ha! I'm well aware of that. In less than two weeks this whole show will be over, and we will all return to our regular lives."
Taylor: "You are so lucky to have an Exemption from the Quiz. I would kill for one of those babies! I've been so stressed lately thinking I could go home."
Ludwig: "I promised myself that I wouldn't stress over this show. Anyway, I know that I'm not going anywhere. The Exemption is wasted on me I wish it had gone to someone else."
Taylor: "Like Amelia?"
Ludwig: "No, not Amelia. She has been completely ignoring me, spending all of her time with that idiot Will. Why we ever let him into our alliance is a mystery to me..."
Taylor: "Will is in an alliance with you guys?"
Ludwig: "Oh, yeah. Probably shouldn't have told you that."
Taylor: "I wish there were no alliances or coalitions or anything. I wish it was just everyone for themselves. It's not like they really help us find out who's the Mole. All they do is cause unnecessary conflict."
Ludwig: "Taylor, I may have misjudged you. I sort of thought that you were just some follower, doing whatever Bella told you. If our alliances fall apart, would you consider teaming up with me?"
Taylor: "I don't know, Ludwig. But I certainly don't think you are as weird as I thought you were a few days ago. Although, of course, you are still an uptight, narcissistic little prick!"
Ludwig: "And you are an awkward, middle-aged baboon."
Taylor: "Um...excuse me?"
Ludwig: "I'm really glad that Taylor talked to me this morning. She isn't really a bad girl at all. And heaven knows having another friend in this house would help me get over Amelia's betrayal. Taylor is different than the others in this house, and I know she's part of a huge alliance, so maybe I can use her to advance myself. Plus, she is one of the first in the house to admit that I am a Smosterbeard and deserve to be treated as such!"
Englebert: "Oo, you've made a fire! Huzzah! Mind if I sit by 'ere?"
Amelia: "Oh, hello Englebert. Yes, I guess that'd be alright. You know, for a summer morning, it sure is cold."
Englebert: "Aye, you can say that again! It was right lovely of you to make this fire 'ere."
Amelia: "Hmm. You know, Englebert. I was thinking. We are the two oldest contestants here, and I'm not sure we go off on the right foot."
Englebert: "You got off on the wrong foot, refusing to let me be your roommate!"
Amelia: "Um, yeah. Anyway, if I were to be eliminated, I would like you to know that I would want someone I can relate to to, like you, Englebert."
Englebert: "Oh, naturally! I'm sure you'd want me to win! Over Ludwig? Over Will?!? And yes, everyone has seen you flirting with him. Right nasty, that is!"
Amelia: "Well geez, Englebert, I didn't mean to upset you. I just wanted to have gotten a little closer before one of us is eliminated. Guess not..."
Englebert: "Well, whatever! Like I need you or your fire!" *storms off*
Englebert: "Amelia repeatedly stabs me in the foot! I keep trying to approach and she keeps kicking me right out to the curb. Well, if that's how it is, I have nothing to say when she goes home. I cannot stand her! Um, what's that? What has Amelia ever done wrong to you? Oh, heaps! She's...well, she's...she refused to be my roommate on the first day! And...that all I can think of right now, but I'm sure there's more. Amelia is just dreadful!"
Will: "Hey, Madison. I've been getting awfully lonely this morning!"
Madison: "What, can't find Amelia! I saw Englebert storming in through the back door. Check outside."
Will: "No, I don't want Amelia! I mean, she's fine, I guess, but she a little clingy."
Madison: "I can't believe you're tricking that innocent woman. What did she ever do to you?"
Will: "I'm not tricking her! I just want someone else to talk to, that's all!"
Madison: "Alright. What do you even want to talk to me about?"
Will: "Well, I mean, I wanted to make sure we are still good. Just checking in."
Madison: "We're good, I guess. This is so uncomfortable. Why do I get the feeling there's more you want?"
Will: "Well, you never know. Amelia could be eliminated next, and then..."
Madison: "And so the truth comes out! You want to make sure you still have an alliance and someone to be intimate with when she's gone! Well, sorry but I am not interested. But of course, you are tricking an old lady at all. Of course you would never do such a thing! "
Will: "I've told you, I'm not tricking her! But, ah. Was worth a shot."
Madison: "Not really."
Will: "Madison is a smart girl. She thinks that I'm only taking advantage of Amelia. Well, that would be completely correct! Of course I'm not actually interested in Amelia, I'm only using her to advance my game. Well, its a shame, but it doesn't seem like Madison is going to succumb to me any time soon. She likes that elder Amelia too much."
Taylor: "Hey, Bella, what are you up...ahh! What are you doing?"
Bella: "Just practicing my magic."
Taylor: "I didn't know you were a witch! Shouldn't you be green or something?"
Bella: "That's offensive! We aren't all green. It's stereotypes like that that cause me to not tell everyone I meet."
Taylor: "Oh, I'm sorry. I'm just surprised, that's all."
Bella: "Anyway, I'm glad you came in here. I think that our alliance needs to have a talk."
Taylor: "Good idea. We need to all be on the same page. So, who are you thinking is the Mole?"
Bella: "It's Ludwig. I still think its Ludwig."
Taylor: "That could be."
Bella: "Very well? Are you contradicting me? It's Ludwig, I am positive."
Taylor: "But really, what has Ludwig done to sabotage missions? Nothing. He's just there, doing his best."
Bella: "Oh, Ludwig has only been in one mission so far. There's no way a Mole would try to pull off any major sabotage day 1!"
Taylor: "If I were the Mole, I would. I would be eager to sabotage something!"
Bella: "Then you would be a horrible Mole! It's all about subtly."
Taylor: "I think I'd be a pretty good Mole."
Bella: "Are you?"
Taylor: "If I was a good Mole, do you think I'd answer that?"
Bella: "Um...yes?"
Taylor: "Haha."
Madison: "Hi guys!"
Bella: "Hey Madison! Taylor, go get Englebert and we can all strategize together."
Taylor: "Alright."
Taylor: "Come on, Englebert, we need to go talk with our alliance."
Englebert: "No! I don't feel like game talk! I want to swim in this pool 'ere!"
Taylor: "Englbert! Alright, but hurry up! They are waiting for us!"
Amelia: "Wow, this is hot tub is lonely with just me."
Will: "Maybe I can help you out..."
Amelia: "Oh, Will!"
Will: "Amelia, I know you may not feel like talking game right now, but I just realized I never even asked you. Who do you think is the Mole?"
Amelia: "It's Madison. I'm 99 percent positive, especially after her performance in the last challenge!"
Will: "I'm not entirely sure. Maybe Englebert? Or Ludwig?"
Amelia: "Everyone thinks its Ludwig. Trust me, he's not the Mole. He's just Ludwig."
Will: "Just Ludwig? Hmm, still seems suspicious."
Ludwig: "Hello there. What are you two doing alone in here?"
Bella: "Waiting."
Madison: "It is so boring."
Ludwig: "Do you mind if I rant to you if you're so bored? Of course not. So I am so mad at Amelia, she hasn't spoken to me all day, she's just hanging out in that hot tub with Will and talking and I cannot stand it. I thought I had some sort of connection with her but apparently not. So, it would seem that I am no longer a part of her alliance! This really is horrible, all I wanted was for Amelia and me to still be friends but she is normal and then this wierd vampire guy comes along and bats and hearts fly around her head and then she loves him and just cannot take it anymore, I can't, I need appreciation so that's why I am no longer assocciated with Amelia, I can't associate myself with someone who fails to recognize that I am a Smosterbeard and who hangs out in the hot tub with bloodsucking monsters, I just can't, I don't care how amazing of a pianist she is, I don't care--"
Madison: *snore*
Ludwig: "Are you even listening to me?!?"
Bella: "This waiting is just really boring, that's all. You can't blame her for dozing off. But that rant certainly didn't help matters."
Ludwig: "What was that?"
Bella: "Nothing."
Madison: "I don't hate Ludwig, but I'd be lying if I said he didn't get on my nerves at times. Like today, when Bella and I were waiting for Taylor and Englebert and he came in and ranted to us! I'm not ashamed to say that I dozed off. I mean, I'm a firefighter, not a therapist. Leave that work to those who actually care about Ludwig's problems. And Ludwig, if you ever watch this, I hope you don't think I'm insensitive. I just...don't...care!"
Englebert: "We're here! You wanted to talk?"
Madison: "At last! What took so long?"
Taylor: "Someone had to do 20 million jumps off the diving board."
Bella: "Taylor! You've spent enough time in that pool!"
Taylor: "I was talking about Englebert!"
Englebert: "No comment."
Englebert: "What is Ludwig doing in here?"
Ludwig: "Talking."
Englebert: "Um, can he leave?"
Madison: "YES!!!! I mean, Ludwig, we need to have a talk."
Ludwig: "Okay. Talk."
Everyone but Ludwig: "Alone!"
Ludwig: "Fine. Kick me out. I have to pee anyway. And I definitely won't be listening at the door!"
Englebert: "Good heavens! Please don't!"
Ludwig: "And, by the way..."
Everyone: "Leave already!"
Bella: "How much does anyone want to bet that he's listening at the door?"
Madison: "I'd be shocked if he wasn't."
Ludwig: "Darn. They're on to me!"
Madison: "Well, let's go on anyway. This house has thick doors. So, on the Quiz, we need some sort of strategy."
Taylor: "I say we all answer the first one for every question. They won't be able to eliminate all four of us!"
Englebert: "That would be a great idea!"
Bella: "Are you all mad? That would be a terrible idea. It would guarantee us going home! I think we should all vote for the obvious Mole, Ludwig."
Englebert: "I don't know. It's still to early to know who the Mole is. Our best bet is throwing a few votes at everyone!"
Taylor: "We should split between two or three people. My top three are Ludwig, Amelia, and Will."
Madison: "Um, that's everyone but us."
Bella: "Hold on, I'll be right back in a sec--oops!"
Taylor: "Bella!"
Englebert: "Now this whole room smells!"
Bella: "Oh, can it. This whole room smells. People are peeing all over the place."
Madison: "It's not Bella's fault. Why don't we all just either vote for Ludwig or split between Ludwig and Will."
Taylor: "If we got the rest of the house to all come together, we could have them all answer the first answer every time and turn in their Quiz at the exact same time. We'll outsmart Greg!"
Bella: "And what if the rest of the house didn't listen to us? Just drop that idea already."
Madison: "I for one am just going to look over my journal to make sure I know all of the answers and can be prepared."
Englebert: "I agree with Madison. Let's prepare!"
Ludwig: "Amelia, do you think I'm still in your alliance?"
Amelia: "Of course you are. Why wouldn't you be?"
Ludwig: "You've been completely ignoring me! It hurt my feelings."
Amelia: "Well, I'm sorry! I just enjoy hanging out with Will sometimes. If you are going to get all jealous, maybe we shouldn't be aligned!"
Amelia: "I cannot believe that Ludwig is so jealous of me! It's not like I hate Ludwig or anything, but he is way too clingy. I like hanging out with Will, it's Ludwig's own fault that Will is a better friend to me than Ludwig! Anyway, Ludwig just needs to cool off. I can't please everyone, he has to realize that!"
Taylor (on Greg's loudspeaker): "Would all contestants please report to the living room?"
Greg: "Hey, that's mine!"
Taylor: "Where have you been today?"
Greg: "I've been in my hut all day, doing whatever."
Taylor: "I know that Bella doesn't like my plan to have everyone in the house answer the first answer to every Quiz question, but it is too great of an idea for me not to propose to the house! It is genius, and it is the only way for us to outsmart Greg and make sure we all stay in this house for a few more days!"
Will: "Why are you telling us what to do, Taylor? Isn't that Greg's job?"
Taylor: "I wanted to propose an idea to the whole house. Greg isn't involved in this at all."
Bella: "Is this that horrible idea your talked about earlier? Please don't."
Taylor: "Alright, everyone, so I had the idea that we all just answer the first one for every question on today's Quiz so they can't eliminate anyone!"
Amelia: "Wouldn't whoever had the slowest time just go?"
Taylor: "We would all have to turn in our Quizes at the exact same second!"
Bella: "But there's no way we would pull that off!"
Ludwig: "Do whatever you guys want. I'm not taking the Quiz."
Madison: "I'm sorry, Taylor, but this is a bad idea."
Greg: "Taylor, this is a dreadful idea! Not only will not everyone go through with it, but it will make the Quiz pointless, and the show not interesting to watch. Which is why I say this: anyone who just answers the first answer for every one will be kicked from the show!"
Taylor: "What?!? But didn't Rob do that?"
Greg: "And he was kicked from the show."
Taylor: "Well, this was a waste of time."
Greg: "Not entirely. You got everyone together, just in time for the Quiz!"
Amelia: "Eww! Why are you in your underwear?"
Greg: "I haven't been in this episode yet. I couldn't be bothered to get dressed."
Madison: "You are strange."
Greg: "It's time for the Quiz,"
"10 questions about the identity of the Mole."
"The player who scores the lowest on the Quiz will be executed..."
"...and must leave the game immediately."
"In the event of a tie..."
"...the player who completed their Quiz the slowest will be executed."
Greg: "Are the rules of the Quiz understood?"
Everyone: "Yes."
Greg: "Also, please note the Ludwig has an Exemption, so he will not be taking the Quiz and will not be executed. So, let's begin."
Question #1. Is the Mole male or female?
A. Male
B. Female
Question #2. While taking the last Mole quiz, in what order
was the Mole shown?
A. 1st
B. 2nd
C. 3rd
D. 4th
E. 5th
F. 6th
G. 7th
H. 8th
Question #3. During the first Execution, was the Mole seated in the front row or the back row?
A. Front Row (closest to the television)
B. Back Row (farthest from the television)
Question #4. During the first Execution, were the Mole’s
quiz results read?
A. Yes
B. No
A. Yes
B. No
Question #5. When the contestants voted on who they thought
was most and least likely to be the Mole, was the Mole wearing his/her
A. Yes
B. No
A. Yes
B. No
Question #6. Who is the Mole’s roommate?
A. Bella Anderson
B. Taylor Bam
C. Amelia Grant
D. Englebert Humperdink
E. Ludwig Smosterbeard
F. Madison Winter
G. The Mole doesn't have a roommate.
Question #7. During the challenge, “The Host's Hut”, was the
majority of the room the Mole described correct?
A. Yes
B. No
C. The Mole didn't describe a room.
Question #8. During the challenge, “The Host Hut”, was
“there” the first word in the Mole’s description?
A. Yes
B. No
C. The Mole didn't describe a room.
Question #9. Did the Mole ever directly address Englebert
during day 3? (Hint: each episode is one day.)
A. Yes
B. No
C. Englebert is the Mole.
Question #10. Who is...the Mole?
A. Bella Anderson
B. Taylor Bam
C. Amelia Grant
D. Englebert Humperdink
E. Will Miller
F. Ludwig Smosterbeard
G. Madison Winter
Greg: "Everyone, welcome to your second Execution. How are you all feeling?"
Will: "A little queasy."
Greg: "Me too. You guys have some class, making the host clean up a puddle of someone's urine."
Bella: "Um, sorry about that. I couldn't make it too the bathroom."
Greg: "You people revolt me."
Amelia: "Says the man who wore nothing but underwear all day until now."
Greg: "At least I changed! Anyway, allow me to remind you of how this works. Turn your attention to the television behind me. If it turns green, you are safe...for now. If it turns read, you did the poorest on the Quiz and have been Executed. If you are Executed, you must immediately report to the front door. Alright, let's begin."
Everyone: "Let's do it."
Greg: "Also, this week, there is a tie, so the contestant with the slowest time will be eliminated. Amelia you are up first."
Amelia: "Oo, my name was never called last time. So nerve-racking!"
Amelia: "Oh, thank heavens. I was getting worried!"
Greg: "Englebert, are you ready to see your results?"
Englebert: "Let's do it."
Englebert: "Huzzah! Safety!"
Greg: "Taylor, time to see your results."
Taylor: "Please don't show me a red screen, Greg."
Taylor: "Eek! I've made it!"
Greg: "Madison, you are up next."
Madison: "No! Please, no!"
Greg: "Madison, I'm sorry to say that you have been executed."
Madison: "I...don't know what to say!"
Bella: "No! Madison!"
Greg: "Madison, its time to go. Pack your things and head to the front door."
Greg: "So, Madison, I'm sorry that you have to go so early."
Madison: "I know! It had to be someone, I know, but I'm glad I at least made it through the first Execution. My goal coming on here was not be the first to go, so I achieved that, at least."
Greg: "I'm glad. What do you think was your biggest mistake?"
Madison: "My biggest mistake? Oh, I don't know. I guess I must have picked the wrong Mole, but that I went out on a tie makes me even more upset. So maybe if I had just been a little faster on my Quiz, I wouldn't be here tonight. Well, what's done is done. Thank you for the experience."
Greg: "And hey, look at the positive. At least you got to meet yours truly!"
Madison: "Ha, you? Get over yourself."
Greg: "Oh, admit it. You can't wait to see me again on finale night."
Madison: "Goodbye, Greg. See you finale night!"
Greg: "Yes, I look forward to it. And with that, its time to go. There is a cab outside waiting for you."
Madison: "I'll miss this house! And I'll miss being on television!"
Madison: "Um, would you unlock this gate?"
Greg: "Oh, how embarrassing! Completely ruins the mood! Someone needs to go help Madison out."
Madison: "Are you going to put me back on the show for my inconvenience?"
Greg: "Nope, sorry. Get into the cab!"
Madison: "Geez, talking about ruining the mood."
Cab Driver: "Where am I taking you?"
Madison: "Vermont."
Cab Driver: "Um, I might need directions. I forget what country this show takes place in."
Madison: "Some place called Sunset Valley. Where the heck is that even supposed to be?"
Cab Driver: "Pretty far from Vermont, probably. My luck. We're stopping at the nearest drug store to ask where the heck we are."
Greg: "And now, only 6 remain!"
Amelia: "So exciting! We're one step closer to winning!"
Will: "I feel bad for Madison, but I'm so happy it wasn't me!"
Greg: "In Madison's memory, another lamp has been extinguished to honor Madison. Does anyone have any goodbye messages for her?"
Bella: "Madison, you were my first coalition in this game. I cannot believe you left without my permission! But, it makes me rethink all of my Mole suspects. I'm sorry I pushed you around and glad you were so loyal, but hey, we can always be positive here. Your leaving gave Bella her own room!"
Amelia: "I am in shock. Madison was my number one suspect! It should have been me since obviously I was completely wrong! But, somehow I made it through the past four days, and I might owe that to Madison. Who knows, maybe I tied with her for lowest score and would have gone home today if not for her! Well, I'm sorry that I thought she was the Mole, and that I never got to know her. She seemed like a nice girl, and she will be missed."
Englebert: "I've gotten quite closer to Madi yesterday and today, and I am right sorry that it had to be her. If only she had been a little faster on the Quiz, maybe someone else would have left today. Well, it's a shame that I didn't talk to her more during the first few days and she will be missed!"
Taylor: "Madison was my closest friend in this house. We would relax together, hang out together, and she really got me through those past few days. It will be quite harder in this house without her in it. It saddens me to think about being in here without her, and I cannot wait to see her again on finale night!"
Greg: "Madison's bed has already been hauled away, and soon she will nothing but a memory in this house."
Greg: "Goodnight, contestants, and sweet dreams. Time to prepare for your mission tomorrow."
Bella: "I can't believe Madison got voted off! She was one of my best friends in this house, a great room mate, and an awesome alliance member. I guess it will be nice to have my own room,but I'll still miss her. I wanted her to make it to the final three with me and Taylor, but that plan might need to be altered. Englebert, today's your lucky day!"
Greg: "Bella is enjoying being alone in her room..."
"...and Will already has plenty of experience being alone."
"The other contestants and drifting into sleep, but floating over them is still that eternal question."
"Who is...the Mole?"
Greg: "And so, the Mole's second victim has been claimed, but 4 more victims remain to be taken before we are left with a winner and the Mole!"
Greg: "I hope to see you next time on the Sims 3 Mole!"
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